How to find the 100th term in a sequence Answer: The term a(n) can be read as "the nth term of a," where n represents which number in the list you want to find and a(n) is the actual value of that number. For example, if you are asked to find the 100th item in an arithmetic sequence, then n will be 100 Step-by-step explanation:
15 famous male scientist and their contribution Answer: Sir Isaac Newton – He is known for his explanation of Universal Gravitation and three laws of motion, and he was able to prove that the reason of both the motion of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies is controlled by the same Neutral Laws. Albert Einstein –His theory of relativity is considered as a revolutionary development of Physics. Stephen Hawking -Hawking's big bang theory and black hole theory has turned the attention of the world. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen- The famous German physicist Röntgen is the one who discovered X-rays (also called as Röntgen rays). Alexander Graham Bell- The inventor of one of the most popular devices today thought that the telephone was intruding, which is why he did not have one in his workplace. Sir Alexander Fleming- He is the inventor of penicillin that prevented a lot of soldiers from being infected. The discovery of penicillin managed to significantly boost the evolution of m...
What is the meaning of alegory? Alegory: a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
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